
Monday, February 21, 2011

Gestalt 2


Fishes from Aquarium. I see the similarity, the repetition of the similar shapes, and unity that are gestalt principles from this picture.

Repetition of form

St. Peters in Rome, Italy by Michelangelo
window from Notre Dame

These works have repetition of form. One pattern forms a unity and a whole work.

Andy Goldsworthy



I think his work is great. when i looked at his work, i could notice that he likes to have a whole in his art. I guess his most work has rounded shapes and associate with the nature. i thought his ideas and works are very interesting and neat, but I could not get a clear message what he was trying to tell us through his work. I am just amazed how great people can be creative.


It has a gestalt principle. This work particularly has anomally feature. The figure on the far right becomes a focal point vecause it is dissimilar to the other shapes.

This one has similarity feature. Unity occurs because the triangular shapes at the bottom of the eagle symbol look similar to the shapes that form the sunburst.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Louise Nevelson


sculpture | wood and paint

Wow. I really like her works. It has lots of detail complications, but also has simplicity.
I guess use of one tone or color gives me an idea of simplicity. What she did for each parts is amazing.
I really like that she actually combined many other boxes and describe them. It has a strong modern side too.
I would love to put one of her work in my house to decorate my house haha.

Lucas Samaras

Lucas SAMARAS | Box no. 85
Lucas SAMARAS Box no. 85

It is Interesting that Samaras's box is very different from Cornell's. Usually, Cornell's had only one side of a box or showed inside of a box, but Samaras's shows total shape of boxes. Cornell's is very simple, but Samaras's has lots of decorations that are very imaginative and impressive. If Cornell's was more focused on things in a box, Samaras's is more focused on outside of a box and its decoration. Samaras's decorated boxes are interesting and creative so I like it, but personally I like Cornell's way of showing his idea with simplicity.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Cornell Box

This work is untitled. What I like about this work is the girl. It looks like she is looking around the real world from the heaven or the world up in the sky. I can see that she is feeling fresh airs and enjoying a beautiful view, but I kind of do not like that she looks like a puppet. That gives me an idea that she is controlled by something.